High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

3rd Annual Jazz Brunch Aids Animal Outreach

The Merion Inn hosted the 3rd Annual Jazz Brunch for Animal Outreach Sunday Nov. 21. Jazz and animal; lovers joined together to enjoy a hot southern-style brunch and cool jazz with jazz pianist George Mesterhazy, vocalist Paula Johns and friends providing the entertainment. Proceeds will help local no-kill animal foster/adoption service, Animal Outreach. This year’s… Read more »

Congress Hall’s Tree Arrives

Congress Hall’s Christmas tree arrived on Friday from a private property in North Cape May on a flat bed truck. A crane was brought in to help place the tree into place as well as lots of man power. The tree is over 30 feet tall.

East Lynne Theater Company Celebrates 30 Years

The East Lynne Theater Company celebrated both its 30th anniversary and the fact that its fundraiser fell on Veteran’s Day with a nod to the Stage Door Canteen. “Celebrity” guests read from scenes prepared for the entertainment of a sold out crowd at Aleathea’s Thursday, Nov. 11th.  Celebrity guests included West Cape May Mayor Pam… Read more »

West Cape May Parade Fundraiser at Congress Hall

A Winter Wonderland Warm-Up was held at Congress Hall Tuesday, Nov. 9 to help benefit the upcoming Dec. 4 West Cape May Christmas Parade. Hosted jointly by West Cape May Mayor Pam Kaithern, Cape May Mayor Ed Mahaney, Jr., and the staff of Congress Hall, hot chocolate and savory treats were offered to those attending.