High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Bait and Swish

New York comedians played to a packed house at Cabanas Saturday night as Gables sponsored its 4th Annual Diversity Weekend Bait & Swish night of comedy hosted by Adam Sank.

Slow Food

The Cape May Forum presented a Spring Slow Food Dinner Saturday, April 2 at the Ballroom in Congress Hall. The mission for the event is to build the farm-to-table connection among farmers, artisan producers, chefs restaurants, schools and families. For more information visit www.SlowFoodSouth JerseyShore.org.

Back to Birds

Even though the winters seem to be getting milder, I am always ready for the warmer breezes of spring and everything that comes with it. People move in to town, roughly in sync with the northward push of birds, the days are longer and everyone seems to be that little bit merrier and yes, it is breeding season – in the bird world that is.