High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: This is Cape May

Steve Lamanna and his Lady Fair

Feeling romantic? Well, why not. It is February. And if you want the feeling to last once the blush of Valentine’s Day is over we have just the thing for you. Piano soloist Steve LaManna released his fifth album, Lady Fair in November and the CD accomplishes two things – it brings the sound of… Read more »

2007 was a VERY busy year for headlines!

Another year has come and gone and the headlines for 2007 weren’t so very different from those of 2006. Easily at the top of the headline list was the fate of the Beach Theatre. The ups and downs of the efforts of the Beach Theatre Foundation (BTF), formed in March and headed by advertising mogul… Read more »

Favorites for Cold Days

The New Year is upon us and cold winter days harkens some of my favorite foods. As much as I enjoy my frou-frou gourmet food, settling down to a plate of stick-to-your-ribs, grandma-type food is even better. America has a plethora of regional comfort foods. I have often carried on in this space about my… Read more »

A look back at 2007

Whew! What a year. So many changes, so many celebrations. We tried to capture as many of the Cape Island 2006 highlights as we could throughout the year, as well our annual fests like the Lima Bean and Strawberry festivals, not to mention our parades – the Baby Parade, the Halloween Parade and the beloved… Read more »

Transforming Thanksgiving leftovers

My favorite holiday is approaching – Thanksgiving – a day that revolves around family, football and food, all in excess. You can’t do anything about excess family, and there is no such thing as too much football. There is always the perennial conundrum of what to do with the surplus turkey and assorted trimmings that… Read more »