High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: This is Cape May

Old Time Favorites

We all know them. Geraniums are truly an old-fashioned summer plant, but did you know that you can enjoy these beauties all year long?

Backyard Grilling

Not sure of the difference between grilling and barbecuing? Looking for something more exciting than your store-bought marinades? The Persnickety Chef has you covered!

Black Drum – They're Keepers!

The Black Drumfish season continues to produce a good variety of keepers. The average size ranges between 45 and 75 pounds. The bite has been good at all hours of the day and night and promises to go on into most of June. On 5-25, Capt. Joe Pritchard on the Big Game had a family… Read more »

Annie: Going Up the Road

Cape May is a beautiful place to be married at any time of year…even in March. Our wedding date was March 28th, 2009. The weather that day was great and we were able to get some lovely shots outdoors from the church. The wedding ceremony was at Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Church in Cape… Read more »

Beat the Drum

The Charter Fleet at South Jersey Marina continued to “beat the Drum” this week. Many trips were made by several boats and a few of the highlights are noted below: On Wednesday, Capt. John Sowerby went out with a group on the Hooked Up II and got into them very well. The largest of the… Read more »