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Category: This is Cape May

CCA holds 17th Annual Great Cookie Exchange

httpvh://youtu.be/pEqsh3r-bCI The Center for Community Arts held its 17th annual Great Cookie Exchange, Monday evening December 5 at the Cape May Elementary School, 921 Lafayette Street, Cape May. Kids young and old arrived to make and decorate cookies, baskets and hats, make holiday cards and ornaments. Every year, the cafeteria turns into Santa’s bakeshop where… Read more »

Christmas Tree Lighting at Rotary Park Friday, Dec. 2

The annual city-sponsored Christmas Tree Lighting took place Friday Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. at Rotary Park behind the Washington Street Mall on Lyle Lane.  City officials  hosted the event which included entertainment by the Cape Harmonaires and a special appearance by Old St. Nick.

Top 10 Cape May Holiday Events

Nothing beats Christmas in Cape May. It’s like living in a Victorian dream. Walk down any street and you will see decorated Victorian homes, people taking candlelight tours and the smell of burning hearths throughout the island. We’ve picked out 10 Must Dos for the month of December, but hurry up, at least three of… Read more »

Feeding a Bunch with Brunch

I didn’t invent the concept of brunch, but I have warmly embraced the idea throughout my career. While not containing the same pomp and fanfare, the home holiday brunch can still be a major sensory sensation.