High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: This is Cape May

80th Annual Baby Parade – Another Winning Year

The 80th Annual Cape May Baby Parade came back home to a new Convention Hall after a four year outdoor hiatus. All the participants welcomed coming into the new AIR CONDITIONED Convention Hall to receive their awards. And a good time was had by most.

Summer Pictorial

Summer is in full swing. Cape May’s streets are crowded with bicyclists, surreys, and horse-drawn carriages, and some sights of summer bring a smile to your face no matter how old you are.

Harvesting new flavors

Not sure if it is a sign of age or the summer heat, but lately I have been eating lighter. For me, vegetables and fish are no longer on the endangered species list in my kitchen.

Pickled in Poland

The smell of dill pickles is reminiscent of many things, but mostly of my two visits to Poland in mid-summer.