High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: This is Cape May

2013 Easter Fashion Stroll

The 2013 Easter Fashion Stroll, sponsored by the City of Cape May, the Washington Street Mall Merchants and the Chamber of Commerce of Greater Cape May,  prevailed even though light showers threatened to dampen the day mid-way through the judging.  But both the judges and the participants braved on. Mayor Edward Mahaney, Jr. presided over… Read more »

Photo contest staff picks

In February, Cape May Magazine held its first photo contest, and the winners are published in the Spring 2013 issue. But we thought it would be fun to share our staff favorites with you here on CapeMay.com.

A trip to the zoo

The Cape May County Zoo is open year-round, sits on 85 acres of land, houses 550 animals, representing 250 different species, and the best part? It’s absolutely FREE! (Though donations are greatly appreciated.)