Twenty-three swimmers and their accompanying kayakers set out in the brisk waters off Higbee Beach for a 15 mile swim around Cape Island.

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Twenty-three swimmers and their accompanying kayakers set out in the brisk waters off Higbee Beach for a 15 mile swim around Cape Island.
At 11:27 p.m. on September 6, NASA launched the LADEE mission to the moon from the Wallops launch facility in Virginia, about 100 air miles from Cape May.
Governor Chris Christie visits Cape May
Nothing says summer like hanging out with a few hundred friends on the beach in Cape May for a free screening of Jaws. We were there — were you? Get the full Movies on the Beach schedule
Mayor Edward Mahaney, Jr. crowned Alexandra Marie Bruno the 81st Queen Maysea last night at a ceremony held at Convention Hall. Alexandria’s first job as queen will be to lead the 81st Annual Baby Parade Friday, August 2. Last year’s queen, Erin Rose Connelly, was on hand to turn over the reins. Speaking to a… Read more » is made with love by the team at Cape Publishing
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