High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: Gardening

Garden Tour: Peter Shields Inn

The Peter Shields Inn, located at 1301 Beach Avenue, is a 1907 Georgian revival mansion originally built as a summer home for a Philadelphia family (lucky them!). Operating today as a boutique hotel and restaurant, the Peter Shields Inn sits back from the street across a bright green lawn, its columns flanked by striking black-and-white… Read more »

Add perennials for years of bloom!

Whether you garden in a pot or a plot, it is time to take notice and give the plants one last feeding, if you do not already have time-release fertilizer on the plants. Clip or deadhead blooming plants so they will continue to flower. Trim back vegetables if they need it and plant some fall… Read more »

Plant Lindera Benzoin to Lure Butterflies

A few years back I became serious about growing the native plant Lindera benzoin for wildlife. Although it was a plant that I would only get a request for from time to time in our nursery, all that I read about the plant fascinated me. The plant was not one I knew and I did not… Read more »