High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: Around Town

The Delsea Gets a New Look

In a year when Cape May has been a whirl with changes in the accommodations arena,  one Columbia Avenue address remains constant – The Delsea. The gingerbread-coated house has had the same owner since 1969. In fact, Rosemary Stumpo is only the fourth owner in the Delsea’s 137-year old history. Like many who settle in… Read more »

An Artist Creates a Victorian Home

Asking Sandy Sheller how she went about bringing the Gallagher House, circa 1882, back to its stately glory is rather like asking Michelangelo how he did the Sistine Chapel. There is no definitive answer – it comes from inspiration. “I thought of it in layers- it was like a gestalt,” she said standing by the… Read more »