High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: Cape May

Montreal Beach Resort turns 50

In celebration of their 50th anniversary, Montreal Beach Resort worked with Hawk Haven to create a signature chardonnay, Chateau Montreal. Hawk Haven bottled the limited-edition wine yesterday, just forty cases in total. Try a glass this summer at Harry’s of Cape May, or pick up a bottle at The Wine Cellar this upcoming season. Congratulations… Read more »

Unquestionable Beach Belief

Sometimes finding the inspiration to write is difficult. Writers often live in a perpetual state of writer’s block. I know I do, and the last few days and weeks have been no exception. But as I sit on my screened in porch at my home in Virginia, the 80 degree weather and accompaniment of the… Read more »


Home is one of those unique words that has one dictionary definition but a varying personal definition to anyone that you ask. Google defines home as, “the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household,” but that sounds more like a house to me. Home is one of those… Read more »

The In-between Times

Just as there is a calm before the storm, there is a calm before the beach is flooded with sun seeking, ocean craving people. The waves continue to lap against the shore and the gulls still cry out to each other in search of hot dogs to be stolen, but those are the only noises.… Read more »

“Experiences” by Ryan Michael Richards

There’s no question that Cape May inspires, lending its natural and architectural beauty to artists, musicians, photographers, and writers. So we were thrilled to be contacted by acoustic guitarist Ryan Michael Richards, who shared his recent album, Experiences, with us. Listen to a sample from his track Victorian Love: How is Cape May inspirational to… Read more »