High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: Cape May

5 myths about Cape May RV camping DEBUNKED!

I recently decided to join the camping community this summer at The Depot located in West Cape May. For fifty-eight days (yes, I counted), I am staying in an RV barely big enough for one person. There can be a lot of anxiety and tribulation surrounding choosing a campsite, deciding how long to stay, and… Read more »

Spontaneous Dinner Date at Viggiano’s

Spontaneous Dinner Date at Viggiano’s  With all that’s been going on these days, sometimes Date Night is all is all it takes to make you smile. Being stuck at home or even doing day-to-day chores may stress your relationships. So when my husband was driving me around Cape May and West Cape May for work,… Read more »

Aerial of St. Mary's By The Sea

Aerial photographs of St Mary’s By The Sea

You may have heard that St. Mary’s By The Sea has closed their doors as of February 5th, 2021. We have confirmed demolition isn’t happening immediately and will update you when we know anything else. We do know that the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia want the land to return to nature, and not have… Read more »