High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: Cape May

CapeMay.com vs. Exit Zero: The Surrey Race

OK. Here’s the thing. I’ve never shared this with you – BUT – no one, and I am not exaggerating when I say no one, EVER picked me to be on their team. I was always the last girl standing. I struck out. I dropped the ball. I missed the ball – no matter how… Read more »

Secret Gardens of Cape May: Among the Stopping Points

Sshhh! I just came back from the Secret Garden Tour. Of course I can’t tell you anything because, duh, it’s a secret. But listen, I’ve been trying to learn a thing or two about Victorian gardening from the Emlen Physick Estate (1879) gardener Hope Gaines. She told me about how the Victorians loved creating stopping points in the garden.