High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: Cape May

The treasures of Sunset Beach

It is about 7:20 when I pull over and park along the shoulder of Sunset Boulevard. Sunset is at 7:45 so I figure I have plenty of time but I have underestimated the number of people who attend the Evening Flag Ceremony at Sunset Beach every night from May through September My parking space is… Read more »

Going parasailing!

Parasailing, windsurfing, skydiving – these are all the things I figured I would do if I had like a week to live – ’cause I’m going to die anyway, so why not experience the thrill of sailing through the air? My assignment this month? That’s right. Parasailing. No, I’m not dying, just on assignment. Don’t… Read more »

Who’s saving the mammals

Imagine this. A phone call comes in the middle of a cold winter night in February. Someone is reporting a baby seal stranded on a beach in Cape May Point.  When the rescue team from the Marine Mammal Stranding Center in Brigantine (MMSC) arrives, they find a male seal, slightly emaciated and dehydrated. The little… Read more »

Art Exhibits at the Mad Batter

Cape May may be small but it is rich in culture. We are a town of under 5,000 people with three theaters – Cape May Stage, East Lynne Theater and a cabaret – The Henry Sawyer Room at the Chalfonte Hotel. We have a diversity of music offerings to satisfy anyone’s taste from classical to… Read more »

The Virginia Hotel has been reinvigorated

Yes, Virginia! Stepping into the lobby of the completely reinvigorated Virginia Hotel on Jackson Street is like walking into an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel. Bold reds decorate the Living Room and the bar. Overhead, crystal globe chandeliers mimic delicate fireworks setting the mood in the hotel’s main corridor and the entrance to the Ebbitt Room… Read more »