High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: Cape May

The Chalfonte Hotel celebrates 130 years

When you’re 130 years old, you start showing your age. Your petticoat starts to droop a wee bit. Your lower regions begin to creak and your parts start to sag a little. But if you’ve got spirit, you adopt the Fred Astaire /Ginger Rogers approach to life. “You pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. And… Read more »

The art and science of cooking

A column recently appeared in the local paper detailing the trials and tribulations of a waiter dealing with a table that came in at five minutes before closing at the end of a busy night. The service and food they received were of lesser quality than that they would have received if they had come… Read more »

World War II’s Lasting Mark

An unflinching sentry awaits new orders. Through sixty-plus years of scorching sun and biting wind, the lone sentry remains on post – the final relic of a once-massive coastal defense system that guarded a vital American waterway. Standing half-forgotten on a scrub-covered parcel of beachfront, the concrete guardian now awaits a new set of orders.… Read more »

Meet the Innkeepers: Part 3

Cape May is known across the country for its tastefully done and highly maintained bed & breakfast inns. CapeMay.com thought it would be insightful to get the answers to some basic questions from every innkeeper in town. Andrew Jepson Innkeeper of Beauclaire’s Bed & Breakfast Owners Joe & Joanne Giovanetti 23 Ocean Street How many… Read more »

How many tours can a tourist take in one day?

My assignment? What to do on a cloudy/rainy day in Cape May? Why the answer to that is as easy as pie. Take a tour. But how many tours can tourist tour if a tourist could tour Cape May? I set my problem before Jean Barraclough, who handles public relations for the citadel of tours… Read more »