High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: Cape May

A day in the life of a DJ at New Cape May Radio

   9:56 a.m. “You’re listening to WCFA-LP 101.5 FM now on the air from Cape May Point to Cape May Court House and beyond with an Eclectic Blend of Jazz. I’m Peg Long. I’ll be with you until noon and remember today is Valentine’s Day. You still have time to run out and find something… Read more »

The Excursionists: A Ticket to Success – Part 2

In 1866, Cape Island had 22 hotels, including an African-American hotel on Lafayette Street. That same year, Jacob F. Cake was brought up from Washington, D.C. to manage Columbia House. He later moved over to Congress Hall. Congress Hall, wanting to keep up with times, added a new wing onto the hotel at Perry Street.… Read more »

The Excursionists: A Ticket to Success

Imagine this. It is July, 1863. Philadelphians have just heard the news of the Confederate defeat at Gettysburg increasing their optimism that the war will soon be over and people can get on with their lives. It is blistering hot in the city and the wealthy are looking for a cool respite. Along with the… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Candymaker

I am a candyholic. One piece of candy is too much. Two pounds at one sitting? Not nearly enough. It is somewhat ironic then that CapeMay.com’s offices should be above The Original Fudge Kitchen on the Washington Street Mall where I am faced with temptation every morning as the lovely sweet aroma of chocolate fudge… Read more »