High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: History

Judging a quilt by its cover

Not many marriages are perfect, but one exception might be for the one between creativity and practicality. Among the offspring of this union, one of the most beloved is the American quilt.

Joe Crews

WWII Army Veteran and local personality Joe Crews died Memorial Day at the age of 91. Funeral services were held Monday, June 4.

East Cape May Spanish Style

If the vision of one of East Cape May’s founders had caught on, homes on Beach Avenue east of Madison might have looked more Spanish Mission style today than Victorian.

Pirate treasure in Cape May County?

According to an old undated newspaper filed away at the Cape May County Museum, an author identified only as Z.H. recalls a story told to him about Captain Kidd’s treasure supposedly buried in Cape May County.