Featuring the Merion Inn, the Hotel Cape May (now the Inn of Cape May), and the Marquis de Lafayette.

The CapeMay.com blog
Featuring the Merion Inn, the Hotel Cape May (now the Inn of Cape May), and the Marquis de Lafayette.
Featuring Cape May’s painted ladies, the King’s Cottage, SeaVilla, and the corner where George’s Place stands.
With views of the Marquis de Lafayette, Cabanas, the Christian Admiral, and the Windsor Hotel.
Hundreds of people line the lawn, stroll through the ballroom and dally on the verandah. I’m among them.
It’s a perfect day for an early morning walk. I begin with a turn off of Lafayette Street, and onto Sidney for a single block and am at the start of Washington Street. An arch of the greenest leaves in town welcomes me. Flowers seem to jump forward to get a better look at who is coming. Homes that were built over 100 years ago seem as if time has stopped just for them.
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