Since being wounded in The Battle of Saipan during World War II, Marvin Hume has been eligible for the prestigious Purple Heart, a military decoration which he refuses to this day.
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Since being wounded in The Battle of Saipan during World War II, Marvin Hume has been eligible for the prestigious Purple Heart, a military decoration which he refuses to this day.
A treasured attraction fancied by guests and tourists, such as an heirloom or striking architectural element, is an innkeeper’s rendition of a show-stopper – and cause for conversation.
Although the results will not be official until Nov. 19, it looks as though incumbents Council Member Terri Swain and Mayor Edward Mahaney have retained their seats for another four years.
Not many marriages are perfect, but one exception might be for the one between creativity and practicality. Among the offspring of this union, one of the most beloved is the American quilt.
The centerpiece of this exhibit reads: “On the morning of September 11, 2001, as the World Trade Center tragedy unfolded, thousands of men and women who were on or near the waters of New York harbor converged in any way possible. Answering the Coast Guard’s radio call for all available boats, hundreds of vessels raced… Read more » is made with love by the team at Cape Publishing
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