High Tide

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2017 Light Up Cape May Winners

The Chamber of Commerce of Greater Cape May held their annual Light Up Cape May contest to determine the best-decorated houses and businesses this holiday season. Awards will be given at the Chamber Social Tuesday, Dec 12th at Elaines Restaurant. Here are this year’s winners: Business Window 1. Spirit Catcher Photography 2. Fralingers 3. Delaneys… Read more »

Vote now in the 2017 Best of Cape May

It’s August, which means we are asking you to tell us what you consider to be the best in Cape May, from fish tacos to Bed & Breakfast Inns. The survey takes about ten minutes to complete, and the results are hand-tallied at the end of August. Vote now at bestofcapemay.com

The Stephen Smith House

The Stephen Smith house has stood at 645 Lafayette Street for nearly 170 years. Maybe you’ve walked past it. Maybe you’ve read the plaque out front that offers a brief summary of Smith’s life. But you might not realize that he was a key figure in the pre-Civil War Underground Railroad. Smith was born into… Read more »