Cape May got an inch and a half of snow on December 16th which is more than any of the surrounding shore towns and it created a winter wonderland for the holiday shoppers. Buy prints of these snow pictures in our online store
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Cape May got an inch and a half of snow on December 16th which is more than any of the surrounding shore towns and it created a winter wonderland for the holiday shoppers. Buy prints of these snow pictures in our online store
We know many of you cannot visit so travel with us, if you will, as we give you a glimpse of our Christmas Island. From all of us at, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Friends, visitors and locals gathered on the Washington Street Mall Thursday and Friday nights (Dec. 9 & 10) for the Mall Merchants’ annual Hospitality Night. The weather cooperated and a good time was had by all. And a special thanks goes out the the Towne Crier Carolers who strolled the Mall both nights singing cherry… Read more »
Despite the cold, record numbers turned out to view the 45th Annual West Cape May Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 4th. Crowds lined the streets from the parade’s beginning at Broadway in West Cape May to its end on Carpenters Lane in Cape May. Photographs by Jennifer Brownstone Kopp
Always the first Saturday in December, The WCM Community Christmas Parade sets the stage for the areas holiday season. Now in her 45th year, the parade steps off at 5 p.m. sharp from the WCM Volunteer Firehouse and marches South on Broadway, winds East on Perry, and onto Carpenter Lane in the City of Cape… Read more » is made with love by the team at Cape Publishing
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