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Cape May Magazine

“Tunesday Tuesdays” – Music on the Mall

Cape May continuously expands the routes of recreation and amusement available in the area. The ever increasing emerging local talents offer more avenues for entertainment and the Washington Street Mall recognized the opportunity by creating this weekly event called “Tunesday Tuesdays.”

Every Tuesday from 5pm to 7pm until August 29th you can enjoy live performances from different musicians on each block of the Washington Street Mall. The acts are fresh with rotating lineups and musical versatility. You could hear anything from folk to bluegrass to classic rock. The sound covers the block with plugged-in amplifiers and microphones so you will be serenaded as you stroll or stop for a show. 

They feature many local artists as well as visiting musicians. Regular acts include musicians like Gordon Vincent, C. Lynn Smith, and the Mill Creek Pickers. This is a wonderful opportunity for musicians to showcase their talent and enhance the musical element in Cape May. The full lineup for the rest of the season is posted on the Washington Street Mall’s website.  

Music is a great addition to the mall among all the other great things it has to offer. As a central hub of Cape May shops and dining, this weekly affair makes the Washington Street Mall even more of a must visit destination in Cape May.

Make sure you indulge in some tunes on Tuesday in the heart of Cape May foot traffic. The performances are of no charge but tips are encouraged. Local businesses like Tisha’s Fine Dining and Cape Resorts sponsor this weekly crowd pleasing event.