The porch and window screens are up, flowers are planted, houses are freshly painted, and people are getting out their beach chairs and umbrellas. Another summer season is here and Cape May is full of activity and visitors.
No matter how aware I am of the Off Season days slipping away, Memorial Day weekend always sneaks up on me. It’s as if I turn away from the beach for a second and when I look back, lifeguard stands have popped up on the horizon and the beach dunes have turned green.
Memorial Day weekend brings the promise of three months of glorious Summer fun and outdoor adventures. There is a feeling of anticipation throughout town and excitement knowing that you have long days ahead of relaxing on the beach, shopping along the mall, barefoot bike rides, and trips to the arcade for another round of skeeball.
I expect Memorial Day weekend to generally have iffy weather and for the temperatures to still be too chilly to fully go out on the beach (it is still technically spring after all, despite it always being thought of as the start of summer). This year, we had a surprising taste of mid-Summer weather and it felt more like the 4th of July around town than Memorial Day.
One of the beach taggers remarked, that because of the sudden warm temperatures, locals, “summer locals”, and weekend visitors were “out of rhythm” and still needed to get back into their summer routines. When the pulse and pace of a town is so intertwined to the seasons, you need some time to ease into the changes that come with the warmer weather and influx of people.
Thankfully, after the burst of activity on Memorial Day weekend, the crowds thin out a bit in early June as we fully settle into the summer. Within a matter of weeks, all of the flowers (especially the hydrangea and roses) will be in full bloom, the spring winds will temper, the ocean will start to warmup, and the sounds of seagulls and children playing on the beach will be heard throughout town.
Right now is the best time of year because you have the whole summer ahead of you, full of promise and enjoyment.
Happy summer to everyone, I will see you all on the beach for summer sunsets!