High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

The Inn of Cape May goes gray

The Inn of Cape May in 2018 | Photo by Michelle Giorla

The Inn of Cape May has gone gray. The circa 1894 beachfront hotel has been white for years, but she’s now dressed up in a subtle gray color and new black accents on peaks and around windows. And since painting a five-story hotel isn’t exactly a weekend-warrior project, we asked manager Beth Eastman for the details.

  • It took 70 gallons of blue-gray paint to cover the Inn
  • On any given day, there were four to six painters on the job (usually four)
  • The paint job took three and a half months (minus bad weather days)

For comparison, here’s what the hotel looked like last summer:

The Inn of Cape May in 2017 | Photo by Michelle Giorla