High Tide

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Cape May Magazine

Ice Ball raises $200k for city beautification

The second annual Ice Ball, a fundraiser for the Fund for Cape May, raised over $200,000 that will go toward city beautification projects. Congress Hall hosted 300 guests (including us!) for dinner and dancing, transforming their ballroom and Grand Lawn into a winter fantastyland: solo flute, servers dashing about in white earmuffs, flickering candles suspended from white branches at the center of each table. Blue-green light illuminated the perimeter of the tent — the second put up for the event. The first had collapsed that morning due to snow.

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The Fund for Cape May is a non-profit partnership organization. Its first project is in coordination with the city of Cape May for the beautification of Rotary Park, enabling upgraded fencing, benches and other amenities including a large central fountain, gas lamps, and bicycle racks. Guests pledged their support for the lamps, fencing, and bicycle racks in under five minutes at this year’s event. We can’t wait to see the results.

Host Curtis Bashaw joined guests at this year’s Ice Ball to benefit the Fund for Cape May. The Ice Ball was held at Congress Hall Friday, Feb, 5th. Nearly $200, 000 was raised. (l-r) Jerry Hathaway, Curtis Bashaw, Kate Hathaway. Photo credit: Aleksey Photography

Host Curtis Bashaw (center) with Jerry and Kate Hathaway at this year’s Ice Ball. Photo credit: Aleksey Photography