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Cool Summer Reads

Cracking open the spine of a new book and inhaling that crisp, new page scent is perfect. But being able to open a new book on the beach?  That’s the life.

I’ve always been an avid reader, something I can thank my family for. My parents and grandparents started me off reading books at a young age, and I have not been able to stop since. One of my favorite memories of reading in Cape May was picking out books in Whales Tale on the Washington Street Mall.

Whales Tale has a great selection of children’s books, in addition to many other types of products for sale. Perhaps my favorite book that came from Whales Tale was Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore. I loved reading about Sid’s six different families and adventures.

Some of the books I read this summer, on the beach.

Some of the books I read this summer, on the beach.

As I grew away from the children’s book section of Whales Tale (which I still visited with my younger brother) I began to shop in the young adult section of Atlantic Books, and at the local antique stores for Nancy Drew mysteries. Even though I brought more than enough books on vacation with me, I always needed to check out what I might be missing.

Reading is one of my favorite relaxing activities I get to do in Cape May, especially while I’m on break from school. This summer I spent the majority of my free time reading (well, when I wasn’t working at Cape May Magazine or binge watching Orange is the New Black).

How cool is it to see my summer spot in my book.

How cool is it to see my summer spot in my book.

This summer, I brought The Summer After You and Me by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski to Cape May and was very excited because it was set in New Jersey, post Hurricane Sandy. Cape May was even mentioned in the book. Even though the book did not take place in Cape May, the small New Jersey town had many similar feelings of the local area.

Another book series I’ve read that mentions Cape May is Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard. A series of sixteen books and a popular television series, the cast is often shown or mentioned visits to Cape May. A week in Cape May is very important to the final book in the series, as well.

Spending time at the shore can always be made more interesting with a great book to read. All ages will appreciate the literary options at Whales Tale and Atlantic Books. And if you’re lucky enough to be a local, The Cape May County Public Library has a great selection of books to enjoy in the summer sun.

Connect with Rachel on Twitter @capemayrachel.