High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

Escape the Cape Triathlon

I’m not an athlete. I played tennis for three years in high school, but the idea of swimming from the Ferry to shore, biking for a few miles, then running a couple kilometers to the finish line sends a frisson of fear through me. Not to mention it all starts with a 10-foot jump off of the Ferry to get started. (I’m afraid of heights.)

Last Sunday marked the second annual Escape the Cape Triathlon, a USAT Sanctioned Event created by DelMo Sports. It took place at the Cape May-Lewes Ferry Terminal in North Cape May. The event is actually three separate races that take place simultaneously. There’s a Sprint Triathlon, a mere .35 mile swim, 10-mile bike ride, and 5k run. The International Triathlon is more challenging, with a full one-mile swim, 20-mile bike ride, and 5-mile run. The International Aquabike consists of a one-mile swim and a 20-mile bike ride–I’m exhausted just typing this.

Over 1,500 athletes competed this past weekend, with thousands of spectators lined up to cheer them on. Kudos go out to all of of the participants! Get more information about the event and how to participate next year on their official website.




Photos courtesy of AquaWolf Productions