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Cape May Magazine

Shelton College collapses

Shelton College, which ceased operation in 1992, collapsed this past weekend. At this time, we have no news on what will happen to the building or property.





The history of Shelton College

In 1963 Rev. McIntire, a Collingswood, NJ evangelical minister bought the Admiral Hotel on Beach Avenue and renamed it the Christian Admiral Hotel. “At the same time,” according to Tommy’s Folly, “McIntire moved Shelton College, a Christian liberal arts school, from Ringwood, north Jersey, to Cape May, bringing upwards of 100 students to town for the fall, winter and spring.”

Mr. Norris writes, “My understanding is that Shelton College, as a religious institution, never had regional accreditation but was rather licensed by the State of New Jersey until it moved to Florida in the early ’70s to receive State licensure there. Shelton operated in Florida until the mid ’80s when it operated in both in NJ and FL while still under the state of Florida.

“In 1987, I founded (along with Curtis and Michael Zuckerman) the Cape May Institute for Continuing Education as a separate educational entity, housed at the Shelton building, and dedicated to continuing education, mainly through week-long workshops. We co-founded the Cape May Music Festival, developed the Art Kane Photography Workshop with Kodak and held numerous classes in Music, Writing, Theater, Architecture, and Philosophy. In 1990, we had around 1500 people, mostly with Elderhostel, taking courses at the Institute and housed at Congress Hall.

“Shelton ceased operating all together in 1992, and the institute closed in 1993, given that the Shelton College property was tied into the overall bankruptcy of Christian Beacon Press. The Shelton College property was purchased by local hotel owner, Gus Andy, for $500,000 cash.”

[Sources: Norris Clark, Rev. McIntire’s eldest grandchild. Tommy’s Folly by Jack Wright]