High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

Celebrating 15 years

This month marks the 15th anniversary of CapeMay.com. We launched in September 1998 from our tiny office at 600 Park Boulevard. Today, we produce the website and its sister, Cape May Magazine, from our office on the Washington Street Mall.

Then & Now

We started out as a simple tourism website called This is Cape May. In 2000, we launched an online magazine by the same name, with original content every month. Three years later, we began our most popular feature to date, Picture of the Day.

We’ve changed our look a lot over the years. Here’s a quick history of our homepage:


CapeMay.com’s first homepage, September 1998

December 2001

December 2001

Our index page in January 2002

January 2002

August 2004

August 2004

May 2007

May 2007

July 2009 - our final monthly cover

July 2009 – our final monthly “magazine” cover

We tried a few different looks for our logo as well.

awwlookatthelogocmclogo CapeMayLogo capemaydotcom

Moving forward

With the shifting internet landscape, we’ve made the decision to stop publishing new articles only once a month. It made sense in 1998…not so much now.

Instead, we are embracing our internet origins. Our online magazine is transforming to what it should be — a blog, with articles and pictures whenever we have something interesting to share with you.

A big thanks

We extend our heartfelt thanks to you for visiting, following, emailing, sharing, liking, tweeting, and reblogging us over the years. After all, you’re the reason we exist. Here’s to the next fifteen!