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Cape May Magazine

Mahaney Wins Cape May Mayoral Election by 12

Mayor Edward Mahaney

Dr. Edward J. Mahaney, Jr. was officially reelected  mayor by a 12 vote margin. The Cape May County Clerk’s office issued the final tally for Cape May City Wednesday night.  Mahaney garnered 50.38% of the electorate or 668 votes. Mahaney’s challenger, Rusty Chew was the loser with 49.47% or 656 votes.

The election had been too close to call and the time to receive absentee and provisional ballots was extended by Gov. Chris Christie in consideration of  Hurricane Sandy and the interruption of mail service it caused.

About an hour after the polls closed, City Manager Bruce Macleod announced the results. At that time, Mahaney, who ran against retired Cape May Police sergeant Rusty Chew, was two votes behind – 545-547. However, once the absentee ballots were counted the vote stood at 666 for Mahaney to 647 for Chew.

This is Mahaney’s fifth win and second four-year term.

This municipal election marked the first time it was rolled into the general election. Prior to this year, municipal elections were held in May. The move was voted on last year in an effort to save the taxpayers money.