The 4th Annual Scarecrow Contest sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC) is underway, and it’s time to rally friends, family, schoolmates and colleagues to visit the Physick Estate, 1048 Washington Street, and vote for your favorite goulish crow whose creators are competing for prizes, with an overall prize of $200 earmarked for the People’s Choice Award given to the creators of the scarecrow that receives the most votes from visitors to the Estate.
Scarecrows are entered in one of four categories: “Individuals or Families,” “Businesses,” “Non-profits, Church, Club, Scout Troops” or “School Class.”
Visitors to the Physick Estate will be asked to vote for their favorite scarecrow by filling out a ballot in the Carriage House from Friday, Oct. 5 through Sunday, Nov. 4. Friends and family members are encouraged to visit the Estate and vote for their favorites.