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The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

8th Annual Best of Cape May

The Best of Cape May celebrates the best that Cape May has to offer locals and visitors! Winners are chosen entirely by you, our readers. This survey takes about 10 minutes to complete.

If you aren’t sure of a business name, provide as much information as possible (such as a neighboring building) and we’ll try to figure it out. Happy voting! best of cape may

2012 Best of Cape May Survey Rules

  • Voting for the Best of Cape May is open August 1, 2012 through August 28, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
  • One submission accepted per person.
  • Give one answer per category. Do not write “It’s a tie.” Answers with multiple responses will be thrown out.
  • Your full name and a valid email address must be supplied for your submission to be accepted. We will not publish your name or email address. We will never sell or rent your information. You will not be added to any mailing lists.
  • Answer all required questions. Failure to respond to a required question will disqualify your entire submission (this includes writing “n/a” or “I don’t know”). Required questions prevent voting by people who have never visited the Cape May area.
  • Ballot stuffing is not tolerated (e.g. voting only for the same business in every category OR voting only for businesses that you own/work for) and will get your entire submission disqualified.
  • You may vote for businesses that you own and/or work for as long as you answer the survey according to the rules.