High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

How to Help Your Dog Beat the Heat [Recipe]

Wow, summer’s here, and, actually, considering temperatures, it’s got here ahead of schedule! Which means it’s important that we talk about some information on ways of protecting your dog from the excessive heat.

First and most important – NEVER leave your dog(s) in the car, even with the windows down! Your dog will react to the excessive heat generated in the car more quickly than you will, and it can be fatal. If you cannot take your dogs with you into wherever you are headed, than leave them home!

Dogs need and want to be outside, but leaving them unattended for too long without any shade or sun protection is cruel and, again, can be fatal. If you are taking your dog to the beach or to the Cape May Dog Park, be sure to control their activity level, insuring that they do not run themselves out. Insure that they go into the water to cool off or squirt them with a hose. Bring along plenty of water for your dog – and for yourself! And try to be in the shade – under an umbrella or under the gazebo at the dog park.

There are some really neat toys and other “cool downs” for your dog as well. There are toys that you can fill with water and put into the freezer which your dog can then chew on, or even lay on in order to cool down. There are wraps, which you again fill with water and put into the freezer, then wrap around your dog’s neck to help keep him/her cool. My dogs, Jameson and Guinness, think that ice cubes are “treats” so that’s another way to keep your dog cool and getting a little water. Just make sure that the dog is not too overheated when giving them ice cubes or it can make them sick due to too much shock to their stomach.

There are also some fun treats you can make for the summer as a doggie cool down. I’ve included a recipe here. I have two big fans of these treats sitting right beside me as I’m writing this, who are more than happy to be “taste testers” over and over again, and who will verify that they are great. People can enjoy them, too, but most dogs are often reluctant to share! So enjoy your summer visit to Cape May by keeping your dog (and you) cool, comfortable, happy and safe from the heat.


  • 3 cups plain yogurt
  • 1¼ cups unsalted peanut butter
  • 2 Tbsp honey
  1. Combine all ingredients and whisk well.
  2. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze for 2 to 2 ½ hours.
  3. Pop out as needed or store in freezer in a sealed freezer bag.

As a little alternative, use:

  • 2 cups of plain yogurt
  • 1 cup of mashed banana.

The rest is the same! Have fun!

Good Read of the Month: Dog Blessed, Puppy Mill Survivor Stories by Lisa Fischer for the Main Line Animal Rescue. This book is an eye opener into the horrible conditions of puppy mills, how the dogs must endure, and the silver lining of rescues that not only save the dogs, but save people as well. If you are a true dog lover, you’ll cry some tears of joy and a few of sorrow as you read how these adopted puppy mill rescues are doing now. You’ll get a few knowing smiles and even a laugh or two as well. This book, published by Happy Tails Books, LLC, is available through Amazon.com and all proceeds go to the Main Line Animal Rescue to help them continue with their most admirable and loving mission of saving lives.