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After 92 years, Star of the Sea School closes its doors

“Our Lady Star of the Sea School has educated Cape May’s children in the Catholic tradition for the last 92 years. On April 23, 2009 the teachers, parents, and children were given notice by the Camden Diocese that because of low enrollment and grim demographics for future enrollment, the 2009-2010 school year would be the last one at the Cape May site. With generations of family, friends, and neighbors attending this beloved school, the news hit our  community hard. There was much sadness, but the faculty agreed that we would do our best to stay positive and give our students an excellent education regardless of circumstances.  The professionalism and dedication of faculty and staff, and the cooperation and commitment of parents and students allowed this to happen.

“We now look forward with anticipation and excitement to our new school, Cape Trinity Catholic, in North Wildwood.  Born from the mergers of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Cape May, St. Ann’s, Wildwood, and St. Raymond’s, Villas, this new school will be the first of its kind in Cape May County to offer a team leadership approach with Sr. Sheila Murphy, Administrative Director, Mrs. Donna DiPasquale, Curriculum Director, and Mr. Michael Beck, Mission Effectiveness Director. The school will also offer students the unique opportunity to have Philadelphuia Colllege of Osteopathic Medicine as a partner in science education. Every faculty member on the new Cape Trinity Catholic team has participated in a one year period of in-service study on critical thinking. This 21st century skill will be a school wide focus. Innovation in education in the Catholic tradition will make Cape Trinity Catholic a school to watch as it opens its doors on September 8, 2010.”

– Donna DiPasquale, principal, Our Lady Star of the Sea Regional School