Cape May Comes to Life
Cape May is coming alive (those 90 degree temperatures last weekend
helped to move things along at a much faster pace.) and we have a plethora of
things for you to do, in addition to sunbathing, biking, and walking on the
beach. |
A Springtime
Pictorial Photographs by Macy Zheylazkova Because we live by the sea, Cape May is
often slow to shake off winter and welcome spring, but once the changes
begin, they are well worth the wait. |
Sweaters on Legs:
Alpaca Farming in West Cape May
Text by Karen Fox
Mild-tempered and gregarious as alpacas are, they
have their eccentricities. It’s true, they spit. |
Fun with Herbs
Herbs are fun. They smell good and they are useful.
They make me think of a peaceful sunny garden of long ago, and they are
among the oldest plants grown by man. |
N.J. Food Romance – From
Ewes with Love
Consider the source of the food you make. From
farmers to local cheese artisans, craftsmen's skills are disappearing for sake of
convenience and cost. |
Stay connected to Cape May!
Photograph by Chris Cusick. |
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